Re: [Gimp-gui] Force Toolbox Widgets To Bottom


On 2015-10-15 19:14, Elle Stone wrote:
On 10/15/2015 12:41 PM, Alexandre Prokoudine wrote:
If I may suggest, we should work on a complete redesign of the toolbox
and tools' options. The way things are going, we are likely to create
another Frankenstein toolbox.

What we are missing here is cold analysis. A lot of your requests stem
from resizing the toolbox. Frankly, GIMP is probably the only design
software I know of where people resize the toolbox at all. My guess is
that it's because its design sucks. How about we design it right
instead of applying bandaids all around?


Am I the only person who likes the Toolbox just the way it is?

Note that I don't say I dislike it, but that it can definitely be improved.

Yes, I resize the Toolbox from time to time, and I find the ability to
resize the Toolbox very handy, depending on whether I want more room
for the image, or more room to read the layer names (I end up with
large layer stacks, and so I label all the layers to keep track of
what layer does what).

I love being able to drop the dialogs that I want into the Toolbox,
and the ability to rearrange them as seems convenient for the task at

I've used a lot of different image editing programs, including
PhotoShop, and I've never understood all the complaints that GIMP
should look more like PhotoShop, because to me it already looks pretty
much the same, except I like the GIMP layout better.

Note that the goal of the GIMP team is certainly not to be a clone of Photoshop and none of our decisions shall be led by the fact Photoshop has or not a given feature or behavior.

For my own personal case, I don't even use Photoshop (I just stumble upon it from time to time on people's computer, and have not actually used it for real for maybe a dozen of years).

I put the Toolbox in a long narrow strip along the left edge of the
screen, leaving a large square area for the image. The screen is
1600x1200, and yes, that's not a small screen.

Here's a screenshot showing the left edge of the screen, showing the
Toolbox and an image window, in which I free up some vertical real
estate by hiding the menu bar:

I'm having a difficult time imagining a more efficient layout for
Tools than GIMP already has. (I don't mean Single-Window Mode, which
seems to me to be completely unuseable, but different strokes for
different folks).

This is actually refreshing to get comments from multi-window users. We have a lot more remarks from SWM leading us to think that they are more numerous (which may or may not be the case), even though I know that many multi-windows users of GIMP exist. They should manifest themselves more often for their workflows to be heard (so thanks for this message, by the way).



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