Re: [Gimp-developer] Some blend modes break in unbounded mode sRGB

On 04/11/2014 09:15 AM, Elle Stone wrote:

Open the image with GIMP from git, and change the precision to 32-bit
floating point linear precision.

Then go back to the unedited image, change the precision to 32-bit
floating point linear precision, *convert to unbounded mode sRGB* (the
built-in GIMP sRGB profile), and repeat the edits.

Drat, typos. Above should read:

Open the image with GIMP from git, and change the precision to 32-bit floating point linear precision. Stay in the RT_Large_gsRGB and edit as usual.

Then go back to the unedited image, change the precision to 32-bit floating point linear precision, *convert to unbounded mode sRGB* (the built-in GIMP sRGB profile), and repeat the edits.



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