[gedit-list] Donations? (gedit rocks my world every day.)


A quick story I'd like to share:
I recently started at a new company, and received a shiny new MacBook Pro to hack on.  I've never lived full-time on a Mac before, so I've been having to find replacements for all my beloved Linux apps.

All the cool kids on Mac seem to be using TextMate for their editor, so I gave it a spin.  Result: it's cool, but it makes me miss gedit.  I thought I remembered gedit having a Mac port, so I installed that, and I am DAMN glad I did!  This is the best OS X GTK app I've used so far, hands down.

All this made me realize that I still take a lot of Free software for granted.  I'm a "Friend of GNOME", but gedit is rocking my world so hard I'd really like to contribute directly to the project.  I don't have a lot of spare time right now, but I've got some spare cash, so hook me up: where's the PayPal donation link?

jens knutson       |  codefortytwo software
1 Main St SE, #400      |         Minneapolis, MN 55414
Office: 612.333.4242   |         web: www.code42.com

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