Re: [gdm-list] XDMCP maximum session--- please help!


I upgraded our LTSP 4.2 server (20+ concurrent users) from Fedora Core 6 to Fedora 8 (GDM 2.20.1). However, now I am having major XDMCP problems. Stations cannot connect. My /var/log/messages has:

Nov 18 20:55:34 lucy gdm-binary[10273]: WARNING: Maximum number of open XDMCP sessions reached
Nov 18 20:58:04 lucy gdm-binary[10273]:last message repeated 71 times
Nov 18 20:59:39 lucy gdm-binary[10273]:last message repeated 10 times
Nov 18 21:01:10 lucy gdm-binary[10273]:last message repeated 10 times
Nov 18 21:01:29 lucy gdm-binary[10273]:last message repeated 12 times

However, I made generous allowances in /etc/gdm/custom.conf


I don't know how ~20 stations could max out the above limits. Please help! :)

I found GDM is using the default value of 16. So, how did I already get 18, and how do I get >20? Hmm.

Nov 18 23:40:59 lucy gdm-binary[19852]: DEBUG: gdm_xdmcp_handle_request: xdmcp_pending=0, MaxPending=4, xdmcp_sessions=18, MaxSessions=16, ManufacturerID= Nov 18 23:40:59 lucy gdm-binary[19852]: WARNING: Maximum number of open XDMCP sessions reached

If you have MaxSessions set to 2000, then this should be correct.  When
you run this command, does it return the expected "2000" value in the
configuration file:

   gdmflexiserver --command="GET_CONFIG xdmcp/MaxSessions"

If not, you might need to restart GDM to get it to re-read the value.
Try running gdm-restart as root.  I'm guessing that the GDM daemon
wasn't updated to notice the new configuration setting, since it seems
to think the default value of 16 is hitting the maximum value.


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