Re: rentoy game for aisleriot (was: Re: Aisleriot ideas)

On Wed, 8 Dec 2010, Christian Persch wrote:


Am Wed, 08 Dec 2010 13:38:27 +0100
schrieb Francisco Yuste <fran yuste com>:
B.	Have an XML file for data associated with each game

 	It could include data like:
- The name of the game (allows punctuation, etc)
- The Category/Subcategory of the game (is it like Klondike?
FreeCell? Spider?)
- The number of decks (single/double deck)
- The type of deck (ie. have some cards been removed?

I fully agree with this feature.
As Scheme coder, with regard to rentoy project[1], I'm strongly
interested on having the option to choose any Spanish deck[2].

That game info would include which card deck the game needs; still the
scheme itself doesn't need access to that info.

One of my goals when I'm coding something is (if possible) to not have to maintain the same data in two different places. If it's in the XML, and the code repeats it, it only needs to be in one place.

As aisleriot game developer (and possible package maintainer), I would
like to make work my program just by copying files, without editing
the common framework files of aisleriot.

Adding a new game to aisleriot is very easy and detailed at the bottom
of the README file
[]. I
don't think we want to support adding games from outside our repo,

Just wanted to point out that that last sentence is open to a variety of interpretations.

So from a quick look at your 'rentoy' repo, what would need to be
fixed to be able to include it in aisleriot is a) the card theme, as
mentioned above, b) combining all the scheme files into one [unless the
proposed game description data gets in first, then it can stay
separate scheme files], and c) providing a help file in english.

That's the kind of reason I wanted to have a separate directory for each game -- it would give people the option to have a variety of other kinds of files if they wanted.


| Name: Tim Nelson                 | Because the Creator is,        |
| E-mail: wayland wayland id au    | I am                           |

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