dconf 0.31.92

About dconf

dconf is a simple key/value storage system ideal for storing user


 - bin: Add an option to ignore changes to locked keys during load
   (Tomasz Miąsko; #1; !43)

 - tests: Use more concise key and value (Tomasz Miąsko; #1; !43)

 - tests: shm: fix pwrite wrapper with -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 (Ben Wolsieffer; !37)

 - tests: replace usage of dlsym with separate modules containing functions that need to be mocked out
   (Daniel Playfair Cal; !37)

 - tests: Avoid using real system bus during tests
   (Tomasz Miąsko; #51; !45)

https://download.gnome.org/sources/dconf/0.31/dconf-0.31.92.tar.xz (109K)
  sha256sum: 85d2668f0f842829ebfebc40b9a098c0bebf73190da6e5634488fd35e359c7c6

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