gtk+ 3.17.2

About gtk+

GTK+ is a multi-platform toolkit for creating graphical user
interfaces. Offering a complete set of widgets, GTK+ is suitable for
projects ranging from small one-off tools to complete application

GTK+ has been designed from the ground up to support a range of
languages, not only C/C++. Using GTK+ from languages such as Perl and
Python (especially in combination with the Glade GUI builder) provides
an effective method of rapid application development.

GTK+ is free software and part of the GNU Project. However, the
licensing terms for GTK+, the GNU LGPL, allow it to be used by all
developers, including those developing proprietary software, without
any license fees or royalties.


* GtkFontChooser:
 - Allow custom font maps, to support application-specific fonts
 - Improve the 'no search results' page

* GtkFileChooser:
 - Change simple search engine to search breadth-first
 - Make the simple search engine use GIO, so it works on
   remote shares too
 - Merge results from the tracker and simple search engines
 - Add a 'no search results' page

* GtkPlacesSidebar:
 - Use a popover for renaming bookmarks

* GtkPopover:
 - Add support for default widgets

* GtkScrolledWindow:
 - Support kinetic scrolling on touchpads

* GtkBuilder:
 - Improve error reporting
 - gtk-builder-tool can validate templates
 - gtk-builder-tool can enumerate named objects

* gtk3-demo:
 - New cursors demo
 - New page setup demo
 - Builder demo ported away from GtkUIManager

* GDK:
 - Make css cursor names work across backends

* Windows:
 - Require Vista or newer
 - Support RGBA windows
 - Support css cursor names
 - Support animated cursors
 - Add cursor theme support. To take advantage of this, you will need
   a new adwaita-icon-theme with Windows cursors.

* Wayland:
 - Remove assumptions on ordering of globals in startup
 - Improve DND support in various places
 - Support css cursor names

* X11:
 - Support XRANDR 1.5 monitor objects
 - Support css cursor names

* OS X:
 - Support css cursor names

* Bugs fixed:
 619493 Mark two functions from GtkAdjustment's public API deprecated
 693738 gtk print dialog shows "Getting printer information failed"...
 719683 Escaping issue "Failed to set text from markup due to error...
 719819 Wayland backend depends on ordering of globals in the displ...
 727316 W32: GDK does not support per-pixel alpha-blended windows
 744086 Pull gio-unix dependency for all unix builds
 746916 File chooser search does not work over remote network shares
 747150 hint for vertical writing mode to input method
 747634 gdk_set_program_class() breaks --class
 747664 GtkEntry:activates-default should work inside of popovers
 748234 Useless "Gtk-WARNING **: No object called:" warning message...
 748615 GtkWindow: Get the correct shadow width even before window ...
 748640 Documentation misses out example source files when not buil...
 748771 Add API to attach custom PangoFontMap to a font dialog inst...
 748782 fontchooser should reload list of families/styles on theme ...
 748783 Remove PANGO_ENABLE_BACKEND from gtksettings.c
 748784 GtkProgressBar text cannot be superimposed on the progress bar
 748833 Define GdkRectangle structure just for introspection parsing
 749009 notify test fails without a session bus
 749012 GtkStack: Don't emit notify::visible-child during destruction
 749021 GtkStackSwitcher: Don't emit notify::visible-child when set...
 749178 quartz: Support css cursor names
 749425 Memory leak in GtkWindow
 749451 Windows have no border
 749593 Miscellaneous test fixes
 749679 Avoid device position queries during DnD
 749770 Implement kinetic scrolling for libinput-managed devices
 748763 warnings when starting drag from GtkEntries
 749893 Crash when trying to drag a tab from a populated GtkNotebook...

* Translation updates:
 Norwegian bokmål

=========  (87.0K)

======== (17.7M)
  sha256sum: 3ff11f535daa0a41e1f473828c1beee6054517d8eaa1afa6a13d661efd71cc5e

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