dconf 0.15.2

About dconf

Configuation database system


 - update to the new GVDB API (GBytes based) and refactor a bit

 - add a new type of "database mode" DConfChangeset and use it

 - the service has been substantially rewritten
  - using gdbus-codegen
  - cache the file contents instead of read/modify/write each time
  - new DConfWriter abstraction allows considering support for backends
  - uses only POSIX IO (read and write syscalls) for database access
  - workaround mmap() bug on OpenBSD

 - editor:
  - Fix search order of schema dirs
  - Translate summary and description


 - Indonesian
 - Slovak

http://download.gnome.org/sources/dconf/0.15/dconf-0.15.2.tar.xz (296K)
  sha256sum: b8aa4d3b29c7323932b6447d8e4777dda15da1f370183ac2e9745a93f584df5f

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