java-gnome 4.0.16

       Module: java-gnome
      Version: 4.0.16
  Uploaded by: Andrew Cowie
 sha256sum: e6a465d1334c99aa3a5dca30ef1d3e7105c690e113bbd2f6b3e6273280e443c9
      size: 1.2M
 sha256sum: 04e417145528f3173f3516c7548bc8773c83ed30957887ed797644b39018bd61
      size: 916K


<a name="4.0.16" id="1276732981" title="Accelerating operations"></a>

java-gnome 4.0.16 (17 Jun 2010)

_Accelerating is good for you_


java-gnome now has full support for accelerators, the key bindings (such as
**`Ctrl+Q`** for "quit") typically used to activate MenuItems and Actions. The
heart of the API is in the [AcceleratorGroup][] class, although you actually
use it care of MenuItem's `setAccelerator()` and Action's `setAccelerator()`.
Huge thanks are due to Thijs Leibbrand for having navigating the almost
incomprehensible native API and figured out how we could best add coverage for
Java programs.

* **`org.gnome.gtk.AcceleratorGroup`**
* **`org.gnome.gtk.Menu`**
* **`org.gnome.gtk.MenuItem`**
* **`org.gnome.gtk.ImageMenuItem`**
* **`org.gnome.gtk.Window`**
* **`org.gnome.gtk.Action`**
* `menu.ExampleSimpleMenu`

Cairo Operations

Though we've had support for Cairo's various "operators" (different modes for
combining what's being drawn with what's already on the surface) for some
time, we didn't really know what we were doing. Thanks to the careful work of
Kenneth Prugh, we've now got full coverage in the [Operator][] class along
with a magnificent series of illustrations. These are the same pictures as are
in the underlying Cairo documentation, but like our screenshots, ours are
generated automatically by java-gnome programs whenever you build the

* **`org.freedesktop.cairo.Operator`**
* `Harness`
* `org.freedesktop.cairo.IllustrationOperatorOver`
* `org.freedesktop.cairo.IllustrationOperatorDestOver`
* `org.freedesktop.cairo.IllustrationOperatorSaturate`
* `org.freedesktop.cairo.IllustrationOperatorDestIn`
* `org.freedesktop.cairo.IllustrationOperatorDestAtop`
* `org.freedesktop.cairo.Illustration`
* `org.freedesktop.cairo.IllustrationOperatorAdd`
* `org.freedesktop.cairo.IllustrationOperatorDest`
* `org.freedesktop.cairo.IllustrationOperatorAtop`
* `org.freedesktop.cairo.IllustrationOperatorSource`
* `org.freedesktop.cairo.IllustrationOperatorClear`
* `org.freedesktop.cairo.IllustrationOperatorDestOut`
* `org.freedesktop.cairo.IllustrationOperatorOut`
* `org.freedesktop.cairo.IllustrationOperator`
* `org.freedesktop.cairo.IllustrationOperatorXOR`
* `org.freedesktop.cairo.IllustrationOperatorIn`

Miscellaneous improvements

The style `CENTER` has been added in ButtonBoxStyle.

* **`org.gnome.gtk.ButtonBoxStyle`**

Coverage of GTK's new [InfoBar][] Widget was added by Guillaume Mazoyer, who
also made numerous touch ups to various core classes. The Activatable and
Editable interfaces got some love. And methods to get "human readable" byte
sizes have been added to the [Glib][] utility class.

* **`org.gnome.gtk.Activatable`**
* **`org.gnome.gtk.Editable`**
* **`org.gnome.gtk.Entry`**
* **`org.gnome.gtk.EntryBuffer`**
* **`org.gnome.gtk.InfoBar`**
* **`org.gnome.glib.Glib`**
* **`org.gnome.gtk.Widget`**
* **`org.gnome.gtk.StatusIcon`**
* `org.gnome.glib.ValidateUtilityFunctions`
* `org.gnome.gtk.ValidateEntry`

Finally, we exposed the code needed to force GDK to revert to the pre GTK 2.18
behaviour of using native X Windows for every Widget. This shouldn't be
necessary -- the whole point of major changes like the "client-side windows"
branch are is that they are supposed to Just Work (and more to the point Just
Work better, over time) -- but it does give a workaround for unusual corner
cases where either GTK, java-gnome, or the developer is constrained and needs
some help.

* **`org.gnome.gdk.Window`**


[InfoBar]: doc/api/org/gnome/gtk/InfoBar.html
[AcceleratorGroup]: doc/api/org/gnome/gtk/AcceleratorGroup.html
[Operator]: doc/api/org/freedesktop/cairo/Operator.html
[Glib]: doc/api/org/gnome/glib/Glib.html

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