Board public IRC meetings - was (Re: A question for the candidates)

On 05/28/2012 05:59 AM, Shaun McCance wrote:
Unless we
had an interesting agenda item (e.g. future of the Desktop Summit),
people didn't attend. I assume it's because they didn't have anything
pressing to say.

I have made an effort to attend those meetings and my problems at the times were numerous: - meetings badly announced if ever. Maybe making use of foundation mailing list and planet gnome systematically would help to get more people) - agenda not defined and seldom in line with what the board was discussing at the time. Not getting board meetings didn't help for sure - when questions were asked we would usually get "of XXXX is not here so we don't know" or "oh, this is confidential so we cannot tell you".

Trust that after a while you quickly lose your motivation to attend.

I believe IRC meeting are an important part of the board communicating to its community and an effort must be made to announce and run those meetings regularly. Adding items to the agenda that the board is working on at the time will also definitely help raise attendance as well.

Just the feeling of one foundation member.


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