Re: irc board meetings?

2009/6/11 Pierre-Luc Beaudoin <pierre-luc pierlux com>:
> On Thu, 2009-06-11 at 11:12 -0500, Brian Cameron wrote:
>> I understand it every
>> > other board meeting is held in public-but-moderated IRC; transcripts
>> > are cleaned up and made available later.
>> That sounds like a good idea to me, if people in the Foundation
>> community would be interested in participating.
> Moderated would mean only the board members would be able to talk in
> that channel ;-) so they wouldn't be able to participate but only
> attend.

Sort of. What fedora does is have two channels:

* a public, unmoderated channel, where anyone can ask a question/make a comment.
* a public, moderated channel, where only the board can speak.

A moderator (board member?) relays the best questions from the first
channel into the second channel, so that the second channel is still
legible/sensible, but there is a way for the community to ask
questions of the board.

We might consider using or something
similar to do the question asking, instead of a second IRC channel.


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