Change date problem

Hi, I'm using version 0.8.2 I imported a set of photos but the date of the camara was 31/12/1950 (camara was without battery for a long time, the photo was taken 25/06/2011), f-spot tell me that the date of the photo is 31/12/2050 so I try to adjust the date, and the odd thing is that in the adjust date dialog, the actual date is 31/12/2050 and the Adjusted date is 31/12/50 but when I click the calendar button, the year selected is 1950 and the diference is 00:00:00, so at the calendar I choose 25/06/2011 and the photo is move to 26/06/2111 :-( I erase the photo, use exiv2 to change the date to 25/06/2011 (internally it is stored as 2011/06/25) then reimported into f-spot and again f-spot said that the date is 31/12/50 I even use "touch" before imported to change the access and modification file but without luck. If I export the photo and look again with exiv2 or eye of gnome it tell me the right date: 25/06/2011 Any help? Thanks in advance.

Mauricio Tellez

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