f-spot insists to loading old uri's

I have a few thousand images in f-spot.
Most of them are linked to files in various directories,
only a few are placed in f-spot own directories
(i.e under ~/Photos).

I moved my f-spot installation to another computer, 
in which the user home directory name is different.
I copied the images, reproducing their old sub-directory structure, 
and  copied photo.db.
I changed uri's in photo.db, replacing the user home directory name:
sqlite> update photos set uri='file:///new_directory'|| substr(uri,20);

That worked. I can see that the uri's are now changed and correct.

I start f-spot at the new computer. All the linked images  load properly.
However, for the  images in the f-spot own directories
(~/Photos)  I get  error messages like:

System.IO.FileNotFoundException: Could not find uri "file:///old_directory/Photos/2008/11/11/img_4658.jpg"

and of course I don't see these images in f-spot. 

F-spot is still trying to look at the old_directory, 
which of course does not exist!

In photo.db,  the uri's for the problematic images are correct, 
I mean they contain the new user directory name,
not "old_directory" ! 

Moreover, I can not find the "old_directory" string anywhere in photo.db,
or any other place among my files at the new computer. 
I really tried hard (with dumping the data base, grep, etc...)
Still it must sit somewhere there....

Any idea why f-spot is insisting on loading images from the old directory?

f-spot version  0.5.03 is installed at both computers.


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