Re: Sorting photos

On Mon, Mar 26, 2007 at 03:44:07PM +0200, Lorenzo Milesi wrote:
> I forgot to say: this is not to convince you. It was just a suggestion:
> Import pics in F-Spot tagging them with the name of your folder would
> be a beginning.

Personally my reasoning for using folders as my primary organization is
accessibility from other places.  If I'm not using a photo management
tool, I want to be able to log in and find an image relatively easily
from the command line, or from windows explorer from my wifes computer,
or from a random photo viewing app.  I use the structure of:

/2007/2007-03-26 - more pictures of my cat/xxxxx.[pef,jpg,dng]

Which works quite nicely for me.  It also integrates into iView and
Lightroom, which are the tools I use under Windows.  I honestly don't
use f-spot much, and don't let it do photo organization for me, so I
honestly don't have any input on how that works.

Just some input as far as use-cases go. 

Alan <alan ufies org> -
"Backups are for people who don't pray."                 -- big Mike

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