Re: Tag-UI

Hi Stephane,

Thank you for your reply.

Stephane Delcroix wrote:
Hi Paul,

great remarks. Hopefully for you, F-Spot can help you on this !

Are you able to manage your tags quickliy with the f-spot ui? Am I doing something wrong? Do I miss a feature which is yet there and/or do I have too much tags?

just type 't' and start tagging with the keyboard with auto-completion
enabled ! It's one of the undocumented function. enjoy !

Ah. Thats great! Thank you very much. Much better this way.

I saw a mail or a patch for smaller tag icons but I did not find it right now. Is there a plan to include it? Is there a plan to include an option to disable tag icons at all? and will probably be in
CVS soon

That is great too. :-)


P.S.: Sorry, Stephane, I just send the mail to you only, too. :)

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