Re: [evolution-patches] Two Typo Patches and Formatting question

Your ChangeLog is almost close except that it also has to be a patch.
I have attempted to list down the steps below -

To generate a ChangeLog  :

a. you need to navigate to the nearest parent directory which has a
ChangeLog file, from the file to which you are submitting changes.
b.  Add a brief note about the patch on the top of the ChangeLog file.
Refer to prior entries for format/examples.
c. Generate a diff on svn, just as you would for a .c/.h file
d. Append it to the patch file that you are submitting.

Note that if you modify several files, your patch might have different
ChangeLogs (one for each module that has a ChangeLog file)

It might take a while (in fact, a long while ;-)) before the patch
submitted gets reviewed, approved and goes for a commit - so remember
to update the date entry (just prior to the commit) to reflect the
time it got into the repository instead of when the patch had been

Hope this helps,

On 4/5/07, Elizabeth Greene <nerdygirl_ellie yahoo com> wrote:
Thanks for the reply.  How do I submit a ChangeLog?  I attached a file in
the same format as the /ChangeLog to the bug.  Is that it?


On 4/5/07, Harish Krishnaswamy <harish krishnaswamy gmail com> wrote:
Hi Ellie,

 Thanks for the patches. Please add a ChangeLog before they are
committed and update the status of the patches in bugzilla

Welcome to the growing bunch of Evo Hackers.

- Harish

On 4/5/07, Elizabeth Greene <nerdygirl_ellie yahoo com> wrote:
> Hi.
> I attached patches to these two bugs to fix some minor typos.
> In Evolution-Exchange
> In Evolution
> Can you take a look and see if I did this right?  I want to run take some of
> these "easy" bugs, but I want to do it right the first time.
> Thanks!
> Ellie
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Pure in heart, like uncut jade,
he cleared the muddy water
by leaving it alone.

Pure in heart, like uncut jade,
he cleared the muddy water
by leaving it alone.

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