Re: [Evolution] Evolution and NTLM v2

On Thu, 2011-03-17 at 08:09 +0100, Milan Crha wrote:

GAL in evolution-exchange is using patched openldap. The patch adds ntlm
authentication. It doesn't use camel for addresbook at all. Maybe your
change can be modified for the openldap patch [1]. 

Oh for $DEITY's sake. Yet *another* separate implementation of NTLM?

How many of these bloody things do we need? Does everyone just wake up
one morning and think that they'll write a new implementation of it,
just for fun? :)

Oh well, at least this one is substantially the same code as the one I
just patched. So my changes ought to apply to server/xntlm/xntlm.c in
the evolution-exchange repo relatively easily.

I find it depressing just how many separate implementations of NTLM we
have. Can I at least write one and add it to glib, so we can shoot
anyone who uses their own in a GNOME program?

It is particularly annoying because my current task is to go through
*all* of them, fixing them to work in single-sign-on mode (which means
running /usr/bin/ntlm_auth if it exists, and letting *it* handle the
whole challenge/response exchange).

David Woodhouse                            Open Source Technology Centre
David Woodhouse intel com                              Intel Corporation

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