Re: [Evolution] Problem with `search folders'

On Mon, 2007-10-15 at 13:05 +0100, Barrie Stott wrote:
On Sat, 2007-10-13 at 16:30 -0400, Patrick O'Callaghan wrote:
On Sat, 2007-10-13 at 20:24 +0100, Barrie Stott wrote: 
Many thanks for the reply, Patrick.
On Fri, 2007-10-12 at 13:04 -0400, Patrick O'Callaghan wrote:
On Fri, 2007-10-12 at 13:24 +0100, Barrie Stott wrote:
I'm reasonably new to evolution and am having a problem with search

As you will have seen, my email address is zen146410 zen co uk and I
want to arrange that all messages from(to) me to(from) an address ending
with (but not zen146410 zen co uk itself) are in search
folder: zen. I guessed at the the scheme rule wehre I'm searching for
`ends with':

      (and "" (not "zen146410 zen co uk"))

I could find no relevant information in the Evolution manual so I'd be
very grateful for some help.

What's wrong with specifying both rules when creating the Search Folder,
making sure they are both applied? No need to write in Scheme.
The actual thing I want is:
  (SENDER ends with zen146410 zen co uk AND
   RECEIVER ends with AND
   RECEIVER does not end with zen146410 zen co uk)
  (RECEIVER ends with zen146410 zen co uk AND
   SENDER ends with AND
   SENDER does not end with zen146410 zen co uk)
Unfortunately, the overriding way of connecting is a choice between:
'if any criteria are met' => all conditions ORed together
`if all criteria are met' => all conditions ANDed together

So create two rules, each with the subcriteria anded together. If the
first rule doesn't fire, the second one will be tried, otherwise not
(make sure to stop processing if the first rule fires). Can't say I've
ever done something this complex, but in theory it should work.
With my version of Evolution I can select "stop processing" only with
"Message filtering", not with "Search folders".

Yes, you're right. My mistake. Filters have actions associated with
them, whereas search folders don't.

 I've managed to sort things out though by use of a couple of dummy
search folders. tmp-zen-in gets all requisite incoming messages by
AND-ing together a sequence of conditions and tmp-zen-out gets the
outgoing ones in a similar way; the search folder zen is just the union
of the two temporary folders (obtained by searching for "." in Sender
with input from the 2 tmp-* folders). It works and can be extended to
more complex conditions The only fly in the ointment is that I have a
couple of search folders that I'd rather not see all the time since they
are simply scaffolding.

That's why I tried scheme.

Almost as an aside, you will notice the faulty spelling `wehre' instead
of `where' above. Can I invoke some spelling checker and, if so, how?

Edit->Check Spelling (or F7) in the Composer invokes a spell checker.
You need to have gnome-spell installed.

I've looked and don't have Edit => Check Spelling in either Evolution or
its Composer.

Do you have at least one language selected under
Preferences->Composer->Spell Checking?
When you wrote, Patrick. I had no dictionaries at all for spell
checking. That is now changed and the checker is working.

I'm most grateful for all the assistance.

Glad you managed to get it working.


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