Re: [Evolution] using KDE, browser will not launch

it depends on which version of Evolution you're using because it changed
between 1.2 and 1.4.

Evolution 1.2 uses the GNOME 1.4 url settings while Evolution 1.4 uses
the GNOME 2.x settings

You are likely changing the wrong settings (eg. changing the 1.4
settings when you need to change the 2.0 settings or vice versa)


On Sat, 2004-04-17 at 02:07, joey richards wrote:
I am using Evolution 1.4.5 on a Gentoo 2004.1 system using KDE 3.2.1.
Clicking on various items on the summary page does not launch a browser
as I expect it should.  Nothing happens at all, in fact.

I've spent some time searching google and browsing recent list archives
(could not find an archive search tool) for info.  I have found people
 with my basic problem, but none of the advice seems to help me.

What I have tried:
 1) various things in gnomecc
    a) Document Handlers -> Default Applications -> Web Browser set
       to Custom Web Browser with command 
          /usr/bin/gnome-moz-remote --newwin "%s"
    b) Document Handlers -> URL Handlers - add handlers for protocols
       http, https, and html to same command as in a) (I know html is
       not a protocol but I found advice suggesting adding this so I
       gave it a shot)
 2) trying to get debug information - ran evolution --debug=evolution.err
    which gave some useful dumps of imap transactions with my mail server
    but nothing relating to attempts to load URLs from the summary page.

Anyone know what I need to do or how to debug this?



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