[Evolution] Certificates?

Similar to Damian's PGP inline vs PGP/MIME question, now that we have
reached the 1.2 milestone, is there any chance of handling certificates
in the near future? Since I work for Verisign, all of the windows people
use their certs to sign/encrypt emails, and it confuses my poor evo
session, and most times I wind up having to download it rather than
reading it in the mailer.

I originally asked this when 1.0 was released, and was given the
projected date of "some day..." Are we any closer?

Bradley M. Alexander                |
Debian Developer, Security Engineer |   storm [at] tux.org
Debian/GNU Linux Developer          |   storm [at] debian.org
Key fingerprints:
DSA 0x54434E65: 37F6 BCA6 621D 920C E02E  E3C8 73B2 C019 5443 4E65
RSA 0xC3BCBA91: 3F 0E 26 C1 90 14 AD 0A  C8 9C F0 93 75 A0 01 34
If Clinton is the answer, it must have been a stupid question.

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