Re: VIRUS!! RE: [Evolution] Look,my beautiful girl friend VIRUS

Michael Leone said:
Here's the list of stuff I block -


And that covers just about any virus-ladened executable attachment out
there. And the AV scan is for everything else. The virus email yesterday
had a supposed "gc.bat" as an attachment. Also blocked a 2nd one with a
"style.bat" attachment, as well as rejecting one that came thru an open
relay in the ORDB database. And then I run SpamAssassin for all users
(me and a couple friends :-); it tags all suspected spam email, and I
route it to a special folder. There are some false positives, but not

Another thought - as you use the ORDB for open relays, why not use as an additional host in the maps_rbl_domains, as it is a
realtime list of spammers e-mail addresses and domain names.

Just my two penneth!

Richard Holland
richard tellytart co uk

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