Re: [Evolution] Complete exchange integration with remote locations

u would probably have to killev before installing any such files over
existing ones.  otherwise u could end up with everything from crashes to

if it was done with code via tjhe wombat interfaces, then it could be
done anytime and maybe even support live update.

On Wed, 2002-08-21 at 05:26, Rory D. Hudson wrote:
Hello everybody...
Well Evolution is proving to be a very viable product that can be used
remotely without me as an adminstrator having to babysit it all the
time (very nice!!).  I have a quick question for people and am
interested in their input.
I have 100 remote locations, they do not have internet access and the
only way we communicate is via UUCP.  Here at the office we are
running Exchange 2000, and I would like to try to marry Evolution
users with Exchange users a little better than I have so far.  So here
are my questions and wishes.
First, I would like to be able to maintain a calendar here at the
office, it could be a public folder on the Exchange server.  Then I
would like to be able to send this calendar down to our stores via
uucp...this then could replace the
/home/username/evolution/local/Calendar/calendar.ics file located at
the store.  Thus the store has the most up to date version of the
calendar.  I would like to do something similar to this with the
addressbook as well. 
Is something like this at all a possibliity or is it a pipe dream? 
This may seem like an odd request, but if this is possible this allows
me to maintain the same interface here at corporate while becoming
more integrated with our 100 remote locations.  Thanks again for a
great product guys,  evolution is great!!

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