Re: [Evolution] Bonobo woe

On 25 Jan 2001 11:36:18 -0500, Rupert Heesom wrote:
On 25 Jan 2001 00:09:33 -0500, root wrote:

  I'm trying to install Evolution 0.8, but during the configure process,
a flag comes up telling me I need Bonobo .29 or higher.  Checking my
package manager, I realise I have v.18, so I download a newer version
(v.33).  However, when installing it, I'm told that there are dependency
problems (libbonobo, libbonobo-print, libbonobox, and libefs). I can't

The main problem is that bonobo is unstable and since 0.33 is the latest
bonobo it won't work with Evolution 0.8.  You can get newer packages
from the snapshot mirror if you need to.


JP Rosevear                             jpr ximian com
Ximian Inc.                   

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