Re: [Evolution] Howto: Step-by-step spell checking for Redhat 7.1

On 18 Aug 2001 02:15:02 +0200, Diego Restrepo wrote:
I did exactly the same after the Mandrake hacker e-mail in my RH 6.2
system but I only need to install aspell, pspell. Moreover I installed
gnome-spell-0.1-6mdk.i586.rpm directly without complaints.

Are you saying you used Mandrake aspell/pspell RPMs on Redhat? That
thought never crossed my mind but I suppose you wouldn't get complaints
if you had Mandrake's aspell installed.

By the way, I try to change the dictionary to Spanish but did not work.
Is it currently possible?

I normally don't use other dictionaries but when I do I force aspell to
use that dictionary through .aspell.conf which seems to be ignored when
aspell is invoked through gnome-spell.

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