Re: [Evolution] Possible wishlist item for Calendar/mail interoperabi lity

Oh, my point was not about that level of interoperability - Outlook or
Evolution-to-Evolution interoperability does not solve my problem. That
is mostly useful withing a fairly tightly controlled organisation (a
company, say). Within the writhing, headless beast that is a large
university there is no such thing as a standard for anything, and it'd
be utterly ignored if there were.

What I'd like to see is than when I get a plain mail from my department,
from a friend, from a conference organiser or whatever, I'd be able to
automagically create an appointment with the text of the mail all filled
in, with only the setting of the date and time, and the Summary to be
left to do. 

That way, the mail is the description of the appointment and easily
accessible to me whenever I look at the appointment - as it now stands,
I have to dig through (or search for) a lot of messages to find the
details of the appointment. Sometimes, I'll have deleted it already,
thinking that I have the info written down somewhere, when I in fact

On 10 Aug 2001 10:49:49 -0400, jack wallen wrote:
i just did an article on Evo for TechProGuild and one of the things i
left out of the article was the fact that sure you can send metting
requests and all but the meetings never get added to the users calendar
for some odd reason. not only that but if you send the request to anyone
using Outlook there's nothing they can do with it (but call you and ask
what it is). 

is any clarification intended for this functionality?

On 10 Aug 2001 07:15:20 -0700, Mark Lussier wrote:
On 10 Aug 2001 09:38:20 -0400, Janne wrote:

With that in mind, I'd like to have another mail action (something like
"Add to Calendar") that would give me the appointment editor, with the
text of the mail message already entered into the appointment
description. Yes, I'd have to give it a summary and a time, but then,
I'd have to do that anyway.

You know, that is something I have always wanted. I get so tired of
pasting conference sial in codes from mail to meetings...

Mark Lussier
Chief Software Architect
GE Power Systems

evolution maillist  -  evolution ximian com

Jack Wallen, Jr.                                L   I   N   U   X
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