Re: [Evolution] courier imap sort-of-fix

Dan Winship <danw helixcode com> writes:

I rewrote a lot of IMAP code for 0.6, and I haven't had a chance to
test it with Courier yet, but it might work without the patch now.

  Fresh out of CVS. This is a different problem to the previous
Courier IMAP difficulties ;) It isn't even in the IMAP code (although
it probably should be moved into there).

%foo[2]~/.c/evolution> cvs stat mail/mail-tools.c                         10:18
File: mail-tools.c      Status: Locally Modified

   Working revision:    1.26
   Repository revision: 1.26    /cvs/gnome/evolution/mail/mail-tools.c,v
   Sticky Tag:          (none)
   Sticky Date:         (none)
   Sticky Options:      (none)

%foo[3]~/.c/evolution>                                                    10:18


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