Re: [Evolution] Maildir support

On 21 Dec 2000 19:16:29 -0800, Karel P Kerezman wrote:
Just for grins and chuckles, I built a new server this week. When the
time came, I went with a Qmail rig in Maildir mode. Neat, huh? Here's
the question... when I point Evo .8 at my $HOME/Maildir, it complains
that there's no "inbox" present. Should I symlink Maildir/new to
Maildir/inbox to make Evo happy?

And to engage in the tacky practice of following up to ones own
message... the secret (such as it is) is to symlink /home/user/Maildir
to /home/user/inbox, and tell Evo that your maildir is in /home/user/
instead. At which point it DOES work, but there's some untidy stuff
there in the form of a redundant symlink and an inbox.ev-summary file.
I'm happy though, since it DOES work and I'm willing to wait for a
"prettier" implementation.

Good job, folks!

  Karel P Kerezman - IS Admin, Entercom Portland LLC
  Don't know what his problem is, but it's hard to pronounce.
  From the Canonical Fulldeckisms List:

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