Re: [Evolution] 0.3.1 core dump

I had this problem with Mandrake 7.0.  What I found is that I was running an
older version of Bonobo and ORBit, you really need to be sure that you have
the correct versions as specified on the evolution homepage.  Upgrading to
the newer versions fixed all my problems and Evolution is running great!  


--On Wednesday, August 02, 2000, 3:23 PM +0930 "Sheldon Easterbrook"
<sheldie hotmail com> wrote: 


I just joined this list and I've successfully compiled 0.3.1 (fingers
crossed).  When I run it I'm getting the following message:

evolution-shell-ERROR **: Could not start up component for

751d6b1b. (See previous error messages?)
Aborted (core dumped)

Any idea's?


evolution maillist  -  evolution helixcode com

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