Kick starting the 3.2 campaign

Hi all,

It's time to think about how we're going to promote the 3.2 release. I
have added a bunch of material to the wiki [1, 2] which I would
encourage you to look at. Here are some of the headline points:

 * Andre will be leading on the release notes (go Andre!) Sri has said
he'll help and I'll chip in too.

 * We need volunteers for other tasks. The planning page [1] contains
a list of things that need doing. It includes art work, web
development, press relations and writing tasks.

 * One area where we are particularly in need is the press release -
we need someone to plan and solicit quotations (see the 3.0 release
for examples [3]).

 * It would be seriously cool to have preview blog posts and news
articles in the run up to the release. These could be interviews with
developers and designers, pieces about individual new features or
general 'Things to look forward to in 3.2' articles.

 * We need to decide what we're going to do with Do we
want to update it or should it be retired (I presume we can set up a
redirect to

 * If you are involved in promoting GNOME, even informally, check out
the 3.2 talking points [2] I started - you might find them useful.

Is there anything that I've missed? Does anybody else have any other ideas?

Just get in touch if you want to help but are unsure where to start!


IRC:  aday on

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