Re: bad press in the G+ circles/press

On Fri, Aug 5, 2011 at 12:59, Allan Day <allanpday gmail com> wrote:
Luc Pionchon <pionchon luc gmail com> wrote:
What about?
- be open
- listen to the feedback,
- don't give canned answers
- engage in constructive discussion,
- avoid derision
- show interest in feedback
- get to the facts;
- go to the source, tackle rumors; what is it founded on?
- if needed, go through a few levels of "why" to reach the point
- use numbers
- avoid vague quantities "so many", "a lot", "several", etc.
- encourage people to report more formal feedback (mailing list, buzilla, wiki)
- really, listen to the feedback

That's a really good list! (It would be awesome if you or anybody else
wanted to do a wiki page on dealing with feedback... ;) )

This is easy to do. Where would you put it?

One thing I would say though - some of those things (constructive
discussion, get to the facts, go to the source) don't work so well on
public discussions in my experience. They're great things to do, but
they only tend to work when you're have a discussion with a small
group or even on a one to one basis.

I don't quite get it (sorry).
Do you mean that discussion between many passionate partisans tend to be messy?

What I mean is that, if you enter the discussion, do it in a
constructive way. It's about tackling empty, fallacious, or too vague
statements ; and get to the point. It's about pro-actively extracting
valuable feedback.

Unhappy users clearly have something to say. But they do not have to
wear white gloves and serve it to you on a plate. It is their freedom
to just vomit it. On the other hand the authors of a project should be
open to feedback, it's then up to them to go and extract the feedback.

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