Re: (apparently) undefined object, with attachment

Am 14.12.2014 um 02:14 schrieb George Georgalis:
While editing a complex diagram, I tried to ungroup three "Flowchart
Process" objects, on doing so, they disappeared. I was able to undo and
cut/paste them into the attached document; where the behaviour can be

According to my test with your file the objects don't disappear due to ungrouping, they just move. After ungrouping there is "Selection of 3 objects" shown in the status line. By hitting ctrl-e (Best Fit) you can make them visible again.

For some unknown reason, the two segments connecting the objects where not
cut with the grouped objects. So I pasted them into the doc separately.

Transformed groups don't support connections, not sure if this is related.

Noteworthy, I am using head version from 2014-11-02, which includes my
patch for larger handles

Again, I think this is not a side effect of the bigger handles.

Also noteworthy, the behaviour is reminiscent of objects that would
disappear when resizing iff my handles patch was applied cf

Could the ungrouping function have an issue similar to prior
Group::move_hande() issue with the handles patch?

The group is transformed, but by ungrouping the transformation is dropped, because not every object supports transformations. So I don't think there is a bug at all.

And I wonder about your subject "undefined object". Where did I miss the undefined object in your descriptiom or file?

-------- Hans "at" Breuer "dot" Org -----------
Tell me what you need, and I'll tell you how to
get along without it.                -- Dilbert

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