
> I have one problem with anchoring the line to the center of circle (ellipse).
If I
> drawing a line to center of a circle, the line is anchored to binding point
> border of circle.
That feature is called autogap and implemnted about 6 years ago. See

I can not remember any complaints since than but agree that the behaviour is a bit odd.

I see it is good feature in many cases.

> Only one solution which I found is that It must first
> draw line and then place circle over line at right position. This solution
> would be sufficient, but there is another problem with it. After move this
> objects, the line anchoring change from center to border of circle.
That's another feature I don't want to miss. Handles near connection points are automatically connected, which in your case leads to autogap.

May be I didn't describe it enough exact due to my bad english. I mean changing
when circle and line are moved together as selected objects. In this situation
relative position of line and circle is not changing, thus behavior is odd.

Without recompiling the only workaround coming to my mind is using another (mis-)feature. If you group the line with something else it wont connect any longer, thus not autogap.

In most cases, grouping is not convenient for me to solve this problem.


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