Re: Dia: Why is it so hard to do simple things? dia-list Digest, Vol 89, Issue 7

It is worth noting that many people like this software and work productively with it who did not write it.  

Questions about how to use Dia almost always get answered in fairly short time.

But, the only mechanism for getting ones wishes met regarding new features, is to make a good case for the work.  That means having a cooperative conversation with the developers - or doing it yourself (never an option with commercial software).  The supplicant/requestor needs to do what is necessary to clearly convey the feature desired, and must have sufficient experience with the software to understand its basic use; otherwise they are just asking for things that may be solved in ways they have not learned yet.  

Getting bugs fixed is quite expeditious with Dia even compared to commercial software where polite entreaties get you nowhere at all.

Complaints such as, "it doesn't work like Visio," or whatever, aren't exactly pertinent since this isn't Visio.  A person can easily use Visio, and Dia is still no cost at all to use as well.

On Thu, Sep 8, 2011 at 12:57 PM, Tech Support Department <tech frontrowcomputer com> wrote:

 Also, keep in mind that they are doing something in their own way, and they are not necessarily wanting to do it as others may desire, since that is not their goal.  I hope that clarifies things some.  In most cases, there is no substitute for commercial software or free software that is promoted by the programmers toward the public's use.

Put this question to yourself: should I use everyone else to attain happiness, or should I help others gain happiness?  
Dalai Lama 

To invent, you need a good imagination and a pile of junk.
Thomas A. Edison

A public-opinion poll is no substitute for thought.
Warren Buffet

Michael E. Ross
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