Re: New Dia Installer available: 0.97.1-1

On Sat, 6 Feb 2010 08:15:32 -0800, Steffen Macke wrote:

because of bug #608177  I've packaged Dia 0.97.1 again, this time
using GTK+ 2.16.6

Bug #591186 required me to patch GTK+'s libwimp.dll. libwimp is
responsible Dia's "look".
I would be glad if there's some feedback before I update the links on

On Windows XP it was fine previously (0.97) and is still ok now
(0.97.1). I might have the chance to test under Vista, but not on 7.
Will come back on topic if I will observe something weird.

OTOH, where from can I get the translation file for the installer ?
I took over the translation for Dia for Romanian language (via
GNOME/Vertimus) and need to prepare the instaler too.

Thank you,

Cristian SecarÄ

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