Re: Redefining shortcuts (was: Re: Nested groups as faux layering)

On Sun, Aug 17, 2008 at 1:25 PM, Hans Breuer <hans breuer org> wrote:

The only thing I noticed not working is redefining to one of the already used (by windows) keys, e.g.

There you have it.

I don't really care for most of the choices that were made.  So much so that I won't use newer releases for any length of time.

This is not a slam on the choices at all, there is absolutely no reason to expect that people with different needs, using different languages would make the same choices.  If I was a left handed mouser my choices would extremely different.  Someone must have liked these choices a lot to code them. 

I have a heightened awareness of this, it is not a trivial matter which it may be to most people.  I work very hard to get the shortcuts the best way for me.  I test them and change them quite a bit - if I can.

How about a version of Dia where none of the shortcuts are pre-defined? Then I can do as needed for my own purposes.



Michael Ross
Cycling in Central North Carolina
Schwinn Voyageur 11.8
Linear LWB, Greenspeed GTO, BikeE CT, AT

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