Re: batch file for dia execution under Windows

On Thu, 2007-05-10 at 08:25 -0400, Clyde Roby wrote:

    I'm a relatively new user of dia but have written a Perl
program to automatically create dia XML files so that graphics files
can then be created.  Besides creating the dia XML files, the program
also creates the batch file that includes dia invocation commands so
that the graphics files can be created relatively easy.  This is done
for a few thousand files at a time.  Running dia within a batch file
is slow since dia must be loaded and executed for each invocation as
it creates each graphics file.

    Is there a better way?  Does dia have a batch capability?

Yes, just use the -t option to indicate which type of file to export
to, and Dia will export all given files in that format.

My DOS batch file, which runs in an MS Command Prompt window, contains
over 3000 lines; each line is of the following general format:

        dia -e output.png -t png input.dia

I was wondering if there is a batch capability within dia itself so
that dia is not loaded and executed for each invocation.  From the
documentation I've seen, it doesn't seem possible, but I'm hoping I've
overlooked something.

I know that some (non-related) programs allow a batch capability by
giving a command-line switch/argument that is the input and/or output
directory.  The program then looks in the input directory for files of
the input file type and/or creates files of the output file tyep in
the output directory.  Does dia have this capability so that it
doesn't have to be loaded and executed for each file?

Thanks again.



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