Re: dia segfault when exporting with builtin eps converter

Ainsi parlait Lars Clausen :
On 8 Nov 2003, Guillaume Rousse wrote:
Ainsi parlait Lars Clausen :
On 7 Nov 2003, Guillaume Rousse wrote:
[guillaume durruti presentation]$ dia --export-to-format=eps-builtin
-> segfault
[guillaume durruti presentation]$ dia -e schema_general.eps
-> works

What is really weird, however, is that it fails 100% on one of my box,
but only 80% only on another. Both are running cooker (mandrake
experimental distribution) with almost same upgrade level. dia version
is 0.92.2 in both cases.

Can you send me the diagram you're trying to export?  Converting N
different diagrams with 0.92.2 eps-builtin hasn't given me a single

They are available from

They all go through nicely for me, so it must be something in your setup.
Seems to be yet another locale related problem, as LC_ALL=C dia 
--export-to-format=eps-builtin *.dia works flawlessly

My default locale is fr_FR
Guillaume Rousse
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