[gnome-tour/bilelmoussaoui/fixes] ImagePageWidget: move constructors params to properties

commit 609731d6b565be4fbc19ce821839309d2c64ebfb
Author: Bilal Elmoussaoui <bil elmoussaoui gmail com>
Date:   Sat Jan 1 12:16:21 2022 +0100

    ImagePageWidget: move constructors params to properties
    This would allow us to construct the pages on the ui files later

 src/widgets/pages/image.rs | 159 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-------------
 1 file changed, 113 insertions(+), 46 deletions(-)
diff --git a/src/widgets/pages/image.rs b/src/widgets/pages/image.rs
index 5d70c9f..1be7856 100644
--- a/src/widgets/pages/image.rs
+++ b/src/widgets/pages/image.rs
@@ -4,9 +4,17 @@ use gtk::subclass::prelude::*;
 mod imp {
     use super::*;
+    use glib::once_cell::sync::Lazy;
+    use glib::{ParamFlags, ParamSpec, ParamSpecString, Value};
+    use gtk::glib::once_cell::sync::OnceCell;
     #[derive(Debug, Default)]
-    pub struct ImagePageWidget;
+    pub struct ImagePageWidget {
+        pub(super) resource_uri: OnceCell<String>,
+        pub(super) head: OnceCell<String>,
+        pub(super) body: OnceCell<String>,
+        pub(super) picture: gtk::Picture,
+    }
     impl ObjectSubclass for ImagePageWidget {
@@ -23,8 +31,109 @@ mod imp {
+            let container = gtk::Box::builder()
+                .orientation(gtk::Orientation::Vertical)
+                .spacing(12)
+                .halign(gtk::Align::Center)
+                .valign(gtk::Align::Center)
+                .vexpand(true)
+                .margin_bottom(48)
+                .margin_top(12)
+                .margin_start(12)
+                .margin_end(12)
+                .build();
+            let clamp = adw::Clamp::new();
+            clamp.set_child(Some(&container));
+            self.picture.set_can_shrink(false);
+            self.picture.set_keep_aspect_ratio(true);
+            container.append(&self.picture);
+            let head_label = gtk::Label::builder()
+                .justify(gtk::Justification::Center)
+                .valign(gtk::Align::Center)
+                .margin_top(36)
+                .build();
+            obj.bind_property("head", &head_label, "label")
+                .flags(glib::BindingFlags::SYNC_CREATE)
+                .build();
+            head_label.add_css_class("title-1");
+            container.append(&head_label);
+            let body_label = gtk::Label::builder()
+                .lines(2)
+                .wrap(true)
+                .justify(gtk::Justification::Center)
+                .valign(gtk::Align::Center)
+                .margin_top(12)
+                .build();
+            obj.bind_property("body", &body_label, "label")
+                .flags(glib::BindingFlags::SYNC_CREATE)
+                .build();
+            container.append(&body_label);
+            obj.append(&clamp);
+        fn properties() -> &'static [ParamSpec] {
+            static PROPERTIES: Lazy<Vec<ParamSpec>> = Lazy::new(|| {
+                vec![
+                    ParamSpecString::new(
+                        "resource-uri",
+                        "Resource URI",
+                        "Resource URI of the image",
+                        None,
+                        ParamFlags::READWRITE | ParamFlags::CONSTRUCT_ONLY,
+                    ),
+                    ParamSpecString::new(
+                        "head",
+                        "Head",
+                        "The title of the page",
+                        None,
+                        ParamFlags::READWRITE | ParamFlags::CONSTRUCT_ONLY,
+                    ),
+                    ParamSpecString::new(
+                        "body",
+                        "Body",
+                        "The body of the page",
+                        None,
+                        ParamFlags::READWRITE | ParamFlags::CONSTRUCT_ONLY,
+                    ),
+                ]
+            });
+            PROPERTIES.as_ref()
+        }
+        fn set_property(&self, _obj: &Self::Type, _id: usize, value: &Value, pspec: &ParamSpec) {
+            match pspec.name() {
+                "resource-uri" => {
+                    let resource_uri: String = value.get().unwrap();
+                    self.picture.set_resource(Some(&resource_uri));
+                    self.resource_uri.set(resource_uri).unwrap();
+                }
+                "head" => {
+                    let head = value.get().unwrap();
+                    self.head.set(head).unwrap();
+                }
+                "body" => {
+                    let body = value.get().unwrap();
+                    self.body.set(body).unwrap();
+                }
+                _ => unimplemented!(),
+            }
+        }
+        fn property(&self, _obj: &Self::Type, _id: usize, pspec: &ParamSpec) -> Value {
+            match pspec.name() {
+                "resource-uri" => self.resource_uri.get().to_value(),
+                "head" => self.head.get().to_value(),
+                "body" => self.body.get().to_value(),
+                _ => unimplemented!(),
+            }
+        }
     impl WidgetImpl for ImagePageWidget {}
     impl BoxImpl for ImagePageWidget {}
@@ -42,53 +151,11 @@ impl ImagePageWidget {
             ("vexpand", &true),
             ("halign", &gtk::Align::Fill),
             ("valign", &gtk::Align::Fill),
+            ("resource-uri", &resource_uri),
+            ("head", &head),
+            ("body", &body),
-        image_page.init(resource_uri, head, body);
-    fn init(&self, resource_uri: &str, head: String, body: String) {
-        let container = gtk::Box::builder()
-            .orientation(gtk::Orientation::Vertical)
-            .spacing(12)
-            .halign(gtk::Align::Center)
-            .valign(gtk::Align::Center)
-            .vexpand(true)
-            .margin_bottom(48)
-            .margin_top(12)
-            .margin_start(12)
-            .margin_end(12)
-            .build();
-        let clamp = adw::Clamp::new();
-        clamp.set_child(Some(&container));
-        let picture = gtk::Picture::builder()
-            .can_shrink(false)
-            .keep_aspect_ratio(true)
-            .build();
-        picture.set_resource(Some(resource_uri));
-        container.append(&picture);
-        let head_label = gtk::Label::builder()
-            .label(&head)
-            .justify(gtk::Justification::Center)
-            .valign(gtk::Align::Center)
-            .margin_top(36)
-            .build();
-        head_label.add_css_class("title-1");
-        container.append(&head_label);
-        let body_label = gtk::Label::builder()
-            .label(&body)
-            .lines(2)
-            .wrap(true)
-            .justify(gtk::Justification::Center)
-            .valign(gtk::Align::Center)
-            .margin_top(12)
-            .build();
-        container.append(&body_label);
-        self.append(&clamp);
-    }

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