[gnome-software] (7 commits) ...Merge branch '1701-permissions-context-tile-says-has-access-to-no-files-even-if-flatpak-app-has-acce

Summary of changes:

  cd97c67... flatpak: Restructure how filesystem permissions are calcula (*)
  0acd95c... gs-app: Introduce GS_APP_PERMISSIONS_FILESYSTEM_OTHER (*)
  a6c89e6... flatpak: Set GS_APP_PERMISSIONS_FILESYSTEM_OTHER (*)
  6ca96b7... gs-app-details-page: Indicate when the GS_APP_PERMISSIONS_F (*)
  cc9935f... gs-app-context-bar: Indicate when the GS_APP_PERMISSIONS_FI (*)
  b58494f... gs-safety-context-dialog: Indicate when the GS_APP_PERMISSI (*)
  9a5004e... Merge branch '1701-permissions-context-tile-says-has-access

(*) This commit already existed in another branch; no separate mail sent

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