[latexila] (10 commits) Non-fast-forward update to branch wip/templates-revamp

The branch 'wip/templates-revamp' was changed in a way that was not a fast-forward update.
NOTE: This may cause problems for people pulling from the branch. For more information,
please see:


Commits removed from the branch:

  b421d63... Templates revamp: new document dialog
  79a3a91... Use latexila_utils_get_dialog_component()
  1011efc... TemplatesDefault and TemplatesPersonal classes
  fed6125... Rewrite create_parent_directories() util function in C
  c4948e1... LatexilaTemplatesDialogs: dialog to create a new template
  a837b17... Remove Delete template action
  5cb0ae7... Update latexila.h
  30c84d1... Update latexila-types.h
  36c5b2c... liblatexila: explain the purpose of latexila.h and latexila

Commits added to the branch:

  62e4b79... Explain more code conventions (*)
  40c86aa... liblatexila: explain the purpose of latexila.h and latexila (*)
  527db7f... Templates revamp: new document dialog
  856fbf0... Use latexila_utils_get_dialog_component()
  ed741fe... TemplatesDefault and TemplatesPersonal classes
  8dbb5af... Rewrite create_parent_directories() util function in C
  7243367... LatexilaTemplatesDialogs: dialog to create a new template
  16314ab... Remove Delete template action
  a44efd1... Update latexila.h
  91df1c7... Update latexila-types.h

(*) This commit already existed in another branch; no separate mail sent

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