[clutter/msvc-support] (15 commits) ...Merge branch 'master' into msvc-support

Summary of changes:

  480d72d... Updated Czech translation (*)
  e470fd7... model: Make sure to emit ::row-changed (*)
  473f381... model: Clean up ModelIter vfunc wrappers (*)
  8b861ce... animatable: Deprecate and replace animate_property() (*)
  677df44... animation: Use Animatable.interpolate_value() (*)
  8b03ec9... actor: There is no need to implement animate_property() (*)
  f28c1d2... state: Use the Animatable interface (*)
  fe66575... docs: Update with the newly added Animatable symbol (*)
  a6bd11a... introspection: add missing introspection data from Vala bin (*)
  7139ada... model: Remove an unused variable (*)
  6f6b27f... osx: Add windowDidChangeScreen delegate (*)
  e144378... osx: Implement windowDidResignKey (*)
  01fd673... osx: Avoid leaks in Stage::realize (*)
  91ace65... clutter-stage-win32: Fix name cogl_win32_onscreen_set_forei (*)
  ca95813... Merge branch 'master' into msvc-support

(*) This commit already existed in another branch; no separate mail sent

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