Re: [BuildStream] Create new containers-related and Python-related plugins repos

Hi Chiara,

On Thursday, 25 October 2018 15:00:49 CET Chiara Tolentino via BuildStream-list wrote:
Proposal: Domain-specific repositories for container-related and
Python-related plugins

As discussed during the recent BuildStream Gathering, ideally
BuildStream core should remain small and 'general purpose' without
turning bst-external into a dumping ground/kitchen sink. The proposed
solution was to move domain-specific plugins out of core and/or
bst-external and keep them in separate repositories, each with their
own maintainer. These repositories would then have a clearer purpose
and the maintainer would be responsible for ensuring the stability and
reliability of these plugins.

Following this, I'd like to propose two new domain-specific
repositories: one for container-related plugins and another for
Python-related plugins.

Have you thought about a structure based on what the plugins are for instead of based in the technology?  
Wouldn't it more comprehensive for more people?

Best Regards

Agustín Benito Bethencourt
Principal Consultant
Codethink Ltd
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