Re: Copying audio CDs

Denis Leroy <denis poolshark org> wrote:

> On 07/29/2009 10:28 PM, Joerg Schilling wrote:
> > cdrdao got it's last bug fix three years ago, the last
> > new feature was added to cdrdao more than 5 years ago and the only
> > thing that cdrdao can do better than cdrecord is to copy Audio CDs
> > with audio data in the pregap of track #1.
> This is not correct, just look at the CVS logs. Some work was done 
> recently towards the 1.2.3 release, including a whole bunch of patches 
> triaging. The cdrdao codebase is very stable and the list of known valid 
> bugs is small.

The last release is from September 21st 2006.

Of course, cdrdao is much more stable than e.g. wodim which did never 
publish any release that could be seen as halfway bug free.

There is still a difference to cdrtools. Cdrtools is very stable but cdrtools
does publish a new version every three weeks in a long term average. Cdrtools
has a long term sustained average of at least 3 putbacks per day since more 
than 13 years. Cdrtools have no known bugs and if bugs are reported, they are 
typically fixed within a few hours.

BTW: I am not able to compile the current cvs version of cdrdao.

> > Note that cdrao is based on a libscg (from cdrtools) that is too old
> > to include correct support for Linux-2.6.
> Not anymore, 1.2.3rc2 no longer uses libscg, and ships a number of 
> native backends. The linux backend now uses the sg interface directly.

Looking at the code, it seems that the "new" code does not include error 
handling. But the SCSI protocol is build on top of error handling.
Libscg offers the best known error handling implementation. It gives 
portability and it includes a interface checking program that allows to verify
correct behavior of the whole software stack below the libscg user interface.
This grants that cdrtools works the same way on all aprox. 30 supported 
platforms. Libscg gives you 23 years of experience in SCSI pass through from
userland. It is the first program that was written to do this job (it is e.g
two years older than Adaptec's ASPI).

So what is the reason for trying to avoid libscg?


 EMail:joerg schily isdn cs tu-berlin de (home) Jörg Schilling D-13353 Berlin
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