Re: [Banshee-List] [banshee] [FileSystemQueue] Delete from drive command (bgo#609100)

El 07/02/10 19:44, Gabriel Burt escribió:
> On Sun, Feb 7, 2010 at 1:31 AM, Alexander Kojevnikov
> <alexk src gnome org> wrote:
>>         protected virtual bool DeleteTrack (DatabaseTrackInfo track)
>>         {
>> -            throw new Exception ("PrimarySource DeleteTrack method not implemented");
>> +            if (!track.Uri.IsLocalPath)
>> +                throw new Exception ("Cannot delete a non-local resource: " + track.Uri.Scheme);
> Hey Alexander, Andres,
> I don't think we want to do this IslocalPath check - the GIO backend
> should be able to import and delete non-local files, and this would

I didn't think about this.

Just thought that the fundamental difference between the LibrarySource
and the FileSystemQueueSource was that the latter may contain non-local

> thwart that from working properly, no?.  Is the point of the check
> just to get better error messages?

No, maybe only to get feedback (new bug reports) from people that tried
to delete a non-local file; otherwise I would have used
Catalog.GetString for it :)

> Could potentially augment the
> check, looking at Banshee.IO.Provider.LocalOnly &&
> !track.Uri.IsLocalPath

Feel free to improve this, as I don't know how to test a non-local
resource right now. But don't forget to take in account that, if we add
this capability, then the label "... from drive" doesn't necessarily
apply anymore.




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