Re: Strange message list behaviour: row height, threading

On 2019.02.27 13:06, Albrecht Dreß wrote:
Hi all,

since a while, I observe a strange behaviour of the message listing in Balsa regarding the displayed row height and the threading.

E.g. immediately after starting Balsa and loading the new messages from the POP3 server, the message listing looks as in <> (external, as the images are too big for the mailing list iirc; and, no, I *don't* track access to the web site!):

(1) In this case, all row heights are approximately double the usual size. Sometimes, /some/ rows have the proper height, whereas others are higher. The effect seems to be more likely if threading is enabled and/or in the mailbox is a maildir, but also happens for non-threaded and for mbox mailboxes (e.g. always for my Junk mailbox).
(2) All threads are closed.

Close the “PostgreSQL” mailbox tab, and immediately re-open it. Now it looks as in <>:
- proper row heights (doesn't work every time, but usually) and
- the threads are opened.

In particular the broken row heights are really annoying. Any idea what causes this effect, and how it could be fixed? The gtk version is 3.22.30, if that matters.

Hi Albrecht,

I can confirm I've seen this behavior for a long time. In my case, POP3, and either mbox or maildir (I mostly use the latter). Unfortunately, I have no idea why or how to fix, but I'll be glad to test any ideas anyone else does come up with. I'm currently using gtk 3.24.1, but I'm pretty sure it's been the case through several versions. I have 3.24.4 and 3.24.5 available to test, in case anyone thinks it might matter. I do use threading, but cannot say if that makes things better or worse.

On additional point - I use the preview pane, and sometimes, the last item in the message list is partly hidden below the divider between the list and the preview. Scrolling the list up and down does not change this. However, grabbing the divider and adjusting it (even by a miniscule amount) resets something, and the last message line shows correctly.

Another oddity is that sometimes (not often, and no consistent pattern I can detect) the message list has some message lines blank, or overlapped. Using the up and down arrows to move between the messages always (correctly?) redraws the currently selected message line, but may go back to a "wrong" display - blank or partly overwritten by another.

I assume all these issues are related, but that's pure guesswork, not based on anything concrete.


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