minor issue with highlighting URLs in plain text emal

I recently received an email with the text

Thank you for contacting the office of Congressman Joe Courtney. Due to large amounts of spam and fraudulent emails this account is not monitored. To ensure messages receive the Congressman's attention we ask that you share your thoughts through his website at https://courtney.house.gov/contact/email. Thank you.

and Balsa nicely turned the URL into a link. Unfortunately, it included the ending period in the URL, which led to a 404 not found error, which I originally blamed on the sender, before realizing that it couldn't be their fault, since there is no markup in the plain text. Interestingly, there was also no markup of the link in the HTML version, so that version did not show a link, but I'll blame that on whichever library I am currently using for Balsa to display the HTML.

I suppose it is possible for a trailing period to actually be part of a URL, but I suspect far more often than not, it isn't. I'm hoping this is an easy fix - just changing the list of characters to mark the end of a link?


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