Re: Data copy error

Hi Andreas!

On 07/24/2016 12:57:59 PM Sun, Albrecht Dreß wrote:
Hi Andreas:

Am 24.07.16 18:21 schrieb(en) Andreas Schmidt:
On 05/27/2016 08:22:26 PM, Albrecht Dreß wrote:
If you want to try the bleeding edge developments, use the 'gtk3' (2.5.x) git branch.  Please note that the 
development for the 2.4 branch has more or less stopped.
I tried to install balsa from git, but as I never used git before, I'm sure there is some stupid mistake that 
prevents me from getting balsa compiled. I've been following the instructions on 
<>, but perhaps that page is a bit dated, too?

Yes, like the README and INSTALL files in the package - they all desperately need 2b updated... :-/

pc@lektoratex:~/System/git$ git clone

This is the old (balsa 2.4) branch.  If you want to have the "new" one (using gtk3, and all latest improvements), you 
need to clone the "gtk3" branch:

git clone -b gtk3

2) Then, after changing to that directory, I set the options I need:

pc@lektoratex:~/System/git/balsa$ ./ --with-gpgme=/usr/bin/gpgme-config --with-gpg-app=/usr/bin/gpg2 
--with-html-widget=webkit --with-nm=no --with-gtkspell --with-rubrica=yes --with-libnotify --with-canberra 
2>&1 | tee configure.log

Pretty early during processing, I get a message "Please add the files  codeset.m4 gettext.m4 glibc21.m4 iconv.m4 isc-posix.m4 
lcmessage.m4  progtest.m4 from the /usr/share/aclocal directory to your autoconf macro directory or directly to your aclocal.m4 
file". Which directory is the "autoconf macro directory"? I also browsed aclocal.m4, but i really don't see where to add 
these files there. Otherwise, configuring seems to work, there is no error (see attached file 
configure.log).pc@lektoratex:~/System/git/balsa$ make 2>&1 | tee make.log

I re-tried with a fresh checkout of the gtk3 branch, and on my system (Ubuntu 16.04), these errors are gone.  
It still complains about some other things, but they shouldn't be show-stoppers.

Please note that the --with-nm and --with-gtkspell options are gone or renamed, respectively (see below).

3) Finally, I try to compile everything:

pc@lektoratex:~/System/git/balsa$ make 2>&1 | tee make.log

This dies with errors after a while, notably in imap-server.c (see attached file make.log). I actually don't 
want IMAP-support, as I only use POP3 accounts. However, I have not found a configure option to disable it. 
Is that even possible?

I can reproduce the issue here with the gtk3 branch, as apparently a deprecated gnome api is used.  You can 
just disable gnome support for now, probably with the drawback that your password is stroed in a less secure 
way.  I also recommend to enable smime support, and to use syntax highlighting (via gtksourceview):

./configure --with-gpgme --with-gpg-app=/usr/bin/gpg2 --with-html-widget=webkit --with-spell-checker=gtkspell 
--with-rubrica=yes --with-libnotify --with-canberra --enable-smime --with-gtksourceview --without-gnome

Note that it is not possible to disable imap support; actually some of the networking code is shared by pop 
and imap.  Something which might change in the future...

Thank you so much for pointing to the deprecated api call - as I use balsa in xfce, I don't use the Gnome 
since ages!

The issue is that the whole GnomeKeyring API has been deprecated in favor of libsecret, and, as you saw, when building 
in a git tree the resulting warnings are escalated to errors. Your best solution is to install libsecret and the devel 
package, and configure --with-libsecret. It's then largely irrelevant whether you use --with-gnome or --without-gnome; 
it changes only the "Categories" in the *.desktop files.

Balsa detects that you're building from git by the presence of a .git subdirectory, so a kludgy fix is to 
rename it to anything else; no deprecation checks are then used, so the tree should build just fine with the 
configure options that Albrecht suggested.

But the configure script ought to detect the issue, and issue an appropriate error message--fixed in the gtk3 



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