Re: [Anjuta-list] Optimization won't turn off

Odd, I went to Settings->Compiler & Linker Settings->Optimization and
set it to 'No optimization'  - subsequent compiles (using F9) don't have
the O2 flag. So must be a bug in the Makefile generation part - not the
settings part.

Have you tried setting CFLAGS to '-O0' in teh environment ?

- Biswa.

On Tue, 2001-11-27 at 13:54, Levi, Segev wrote:
> Hi all,
> I had a problem with the debugger (the compiler actually). I installed it on
> my system here, RH - 7.1 kernel 2.4.2-2. I specified NO OPTIMIZATION to the
> compiler. 
> The problem is that even then, the MakeFile still includes the -O2 switch. 
> This causes the compiler to make optimizations and hence the debugging is
> not good enough.
> When edited the MakeFile everything worked well, but when re-generating them
> (and this is something we'll have to do) the -O2 switch appears again. 
> Please let me know how can I remove the optimization using the normal
> process (i.e. the GUI).
> I used version 0.1.7
> I already downloaded the cvs version (from October 25) compiled and
> installed it and still the problem exists.
> I'd really appreciate some help regarding this issue.
> Thanks in advance,
> Segev Levi 
> MARS (MMU-NG) Open Platform Team Leader 
> Trilogue & MultiMedia Division Comverse 
> Tel: +972-3-7655497 
> Fax: +972-3-6458923
> mailto:Segev Levi comverse com
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