[Anjuta-list] Anjuta Debug

Thanks guys... Anjuta is great !!!
I would like to help ... 
But I don't have time (now !) to help you with progamming then I'll send the bugs that I'll find.
I'm really good in find bugs. ( I don't like to found them, but they found me !)
Well please, if I can help with some other thing just ask...
Let's just pass to the bugs.... (sorry!)

1) If you close all the toolbars and close the program and open it again the debug bar seems to appear in the middle of the window and does not have the (button ?) to move it.

2) If you check do not show notebooks tittle tags in the preference menu.. and close the program and open it again the notebook is still there ?

3) I have to say that I don't know Java very well, if I mistake please sorry, if you build or compile a java program , the comand is java --verbose foo.java
and the correct is java -verbose foo.java . then it does not compile anything.

4) If you execute some java program ex: /home/bar/foo.class the command of Anjuta is: java /home/bar/foo but it does not execute the program and throws an exception. The correct is java -sourcepath /home/bar foo

Sorry if I bother someone it's not my intention, I just like to help to make a produtive interface for programming.. ( I liked Visual C++ but it has many bugs.. and is M$soft) then I found Anjuta that is the best of all.
Thanks again guys...


Sorry if my english is terrible .. (I'm from Brazil).

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