Re: [orca-list] Copy flat review and append flatreview to clipboard does not take multibyte characters into account

Hey Peter.

Thanks for testing that it's an old issue. I'll still look into it, of
course. But I'm trying to knock out all the regressions I can before the
(two-date-late) .90 release and knowing that I didn't break this is
helpful. <smiles>


On 02/17/2016 09:05 AM, Peter Vágner wrote:

I have looked more at this and I have found out two things.

1) It's present ever since orca has an ability to copy text to clipboard
meaning it has nothing to do with the recent refactor of text selection
and related things.
2) I've hacked a print statement into my running instance of orca where
it's copying text to clipboard and before call to clipboard.set_text()
the string appears correct. So it's either some kind of flag to Gtk
clipboard we are missing or it might be a GTK issue.

Also I was not able to copy text to clipboard by running python
interactively in the terminal this way  so perhaps there is even more to

I'm running GTK 3.18.



On 17.02.2016 at 12:24 Max wrote:
Hi all.

I certify that all these errors are present.
There is another error, which can be seen in the following situation:

1. Open the "gedit";

2. By switching to Ukrainian or Russian keyboard layout, write the word:


Note that the word is made up of six letters; And the last character -
it's an exclamation point. I do not know, it is important or not, so
just in case - I write about the exclamation mark;

3. Using a flat review keys to move between words, find a word that I

4. Copying a word, using the flat review;

5. After inserting what I copied, I get the following result:


The same is observed in netolko "gedit", but also in other
applications, including the terminal.

Just do not send me a bug-tracker to the error. For this, my English
is no longer enough :).

17.02.2016 10:31, Peter Vágner пишет:

This is difficult to explain, but there are various issues when trying
to copy other than english texts from flat review.

Steps to reproduce
1) Open gedit
2) Paste a bunch of random multibyte characters inside an empty document
3) Notice the string above is 11 characters long and ends in = [equals]
4) Explore the gedit window using the flat review also trying to copy
the line where this string has been pasted using copy flat review
5) Make a new empty line and try to paste what you just have tried to
copy in the previous step.
6) Notice the string you have just pasted is different from the one you
have copied. It's only 6 characters long

Also there appear to be more complicated issue I can't explain how it
might happen.

Paste a few following lines into the gedit:
detský tábor
jazykový tábor
jazykový pobyt

Try to copy the first and append second and third line via flat review.
When pasting you will get...
detský tábo
jazykový tá
jazykový p

In this case the shortened pasted lines do not even corespond with
string length minus number of the multibyte characters, so this must be
something different not in order.

The same thing can be reproduced when copying from any flat review e.g.
terminal as well.

It's very rare I need to copy other than english texts this way, so I
can't really say whether this is recent or not.
I might be able to test some earlier versions later to at least find out
whether this is recent.

Thanks and greetings


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